1. How do I know if studying to become a homeopath is right for me?

2. What if I’m new to homeopathy?

3. Can I balance this training with my current responsibilities?

4. How will I be supported during the program?

5. What happens if I fall behind in my studies?

6. Are there practical opportunities to apply what I learn?

7. What if I’m not good at it?

8. Are there exams?

9. Is the Course Accredited?

10. I’d like to join, but I live abroad. What do I do about joining the live weekends?

If you’re feeling called towards supporting others & have a genuine interest in the transformative healing power of homeopath then yes, this path might be great for you.

If you’re feeling called towards supporting others & have a genuine interest in the transformative healing power of homeopath then yes, this path might be great for you.

Our program is crafted to offer flexibility, understanding that our students come from various walks of life, often juggling personal & professional responsibilities. The mix of self-directed study & scheduled live sessions allows you to progress at a pace that fits your life without the pressure of a rigid schedule.

You will be surrounded by a community of like-minded individuals, including peers, mentors, & experienced instructors, all dedicated to supporting your journey. Our program emphasizes the importance of connection & support, offering regular check-ins, feedback sessions & a welcoming community space.

We understand that life’s challenges can sometimes disrupt your study plans. Our program offers the flexibility to adjust your pace as needed. Should you find yourself needing to catch up, we provide resources & support to help you get back on track.

Yes! Practical application is the cornerstone of our training. You’ll have many opportunities to practice, receiving support & constructive feedback from peers & tutors. These experiences are invaluable for building your confidence & skill set, preparing you to practice as an empowered homeopath.

Doubts & fears are a natural part of embarking on any new journey. Our program is designed to support you through these challenges, offering a safe space to learn, practice, & grow. Remember, proficiency as a homeopath comes with practice, time & the willingness to learn from each experience. Your passion & commitment to the process are what will ultimately define your success & we are here to support you through it.

We recognise that everyone learns differently, and exams work well for some, but not everyone. So we assess students using only 100% coursework. There are no exams. We invite deep and thorough work, with homework to embed your learning. We regularly review learning - in fact half a day of each weekend is dedicated to reviewing the online content of the month, and responding to the questions you have asked! In the third year there is a dissertation, as well as the submission of case studies.

There are two bodies in the process developing Accreditation for courses that teach homeopathy in the UK. We are waiting for these to be ready, and we shall be applying for Accreditation once the processes are available. We will also be applying for Accreditation from an external independent body, which is rare for schools of homeopathy to do, to reflect the quality of our course and teaching.

Our live weekends are live-streamed from the UK, so you can join us from wherever you are in the world!

Also, we are only 25 minutes from Gatwick Airport, so if you would like to join us live from wherever you are in the world, you can!